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Monday, July 19, 2004

What You See Is What You Get

Keep going further on previous post, even though the earlier “conclusion” says that the behaviors of all balls on the pool table is determined right after the cue ball is hit, we still can not predict the outcomes since the nature says that we can’t even look at (observe) the table as well as the balls. For our nature, “watching” is considered as a disturbance to the system. If we insist on looking at the table that needs some light, the disturbance from the lighting would alter the outcomes that would be different from the outcome if we don’t look at the table. In other words, the nature says “don’t look at (observe) me, if you do, then you would only see what you saw and you would never know where what you saw comes from”

However, if human has no freewill and the act of observation is also pre-determined by the big ban, then the outcome of the pool table is unique even though we still can’t predict it.


Blogger Jia Lu said...

No wonder the Buddhists see the world as a vale of suffering. Samsara - an endless chain of cause and effect, where the effects can be observed but the causes are often hidden - is a state of existence in which the mind of the individual is bound by fundamental ignorance. From this perspective, "watching" disturbs a system, because the observer is under the illusion that he exists separately from the system.

Taoists say the same thing: Dao ke dao fei chang dao - the way that can be named is not the true Way. Naming something (by observing it) separates it from its true nature as an integral part of the universe; thus waht you can name is only an illusion, a picture of the universe, not the thing itself.

July 21, 2004 at 8:36 AM  

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