The Blog is purposed to record my daily thoughts

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Life, Reincarnation and God

The following paragraphs do not make any sense even to myself, but the thoughts about it have been coming back to my mind so frequent that I have to write it done to get raid of them from my bothered brain.

What is life and why is it so special? To me, as mentioned in earlier postings, any life form on earth is nothing but a bunch of molecules and elements commonly available on our mother earth been arranged in very special ways. The arrangements are so special and complex that some of the life entities starting to have illusions of thoughts, emotions, free will, intelligences, mind, soul, spiritualities and so on. The illusion tends to be very real at least to me since I am experiencing it even at this very moment of writing the article. However, to me at least, the terms such as thoughts, emotions, mind, or spirit represent nothing but complexity of the molecule arrangement.

To comprehend what life really is, I would rather use the following analogy that the life on earth is like the waves in a pond. Each waveform represents an individual life on earth. By saying so, we could find similarities between the waves and life:

·The material that made up the waves is the same i.e. water while all life forms are made of DNAs which only have four different chemical compounds (A, C, G, T)
·Waves have different shapes, which could represent different life form or species
·Waves are created and destroyed all the time which represents the birth and death
·Each individual wave is the result of all prior waves i.e. every wave is the reincarnation of all prior waves
·Every wave will have impact on all waves in the future i.e. every wave would reincarnate to all waves in the future
·The tendency of waves moving up or down gives the wave a sense (an illusion) of consciousness
·The behaviors of all waves follow the laws of physics – all the illusions are the same and predetermined.
·Each individual consciousness is part of bigger consciousness (the consciousness of the pond)
·The wave peaks (above the static line) represents life in this world (Yang)
·The wave valleys (below the static line) represent the life in the opposite world (Yin)

So where are the waves come from? They are created by God

It's written down and I am liberated.


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