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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Car accidents

For car insurance companies, the only tool they could use is to collect the statistical data based on the parameters such as areas, ages, genders, professions, time of the day, and time of the year etc. to determine their insurance policies in order to be profitable. They can show charts and graphs of all accidents that have happened in the past and hope that they could use the data to predict the future. If you ask any insurance company when and where a particular accident is before it happens, the question becomes ridiculers since there is no such thing so called accident before it really happens. In other words, an event so called accident can only be recorded (observed) when it occurs.

It sounds to me that the same concept could be applied to the physical world. Questions of the locations or any other properties of an electron before we observe it are nonsense since there is no such thing called electron. An electron along with its properties is really created by us when we observe and without the observation, the concept of an electron could only exist in our mind.

One may argue that we have such profound understandings of the properties or behaviors of electronics so that we could even design electronic devices/products for various purposes. My counter argument is that the insurance companies could also do the same thing to optimize their strategies by using the statistical data collected from the past in order to maximize their profitability. In other words, the strategies developed by the insurance companies could also be considered as products.


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